Sunday, November 10, 2013

Beside Beads

I have not started a new project.  I have not even figured out what I am going to make next. 

Some time ago I won three tutorials from Callie Mitchell of Peregrin Beader.  I had no problem choosing the Elizabeth I Cuff Bracelet Pattern as I have admired it for some time.  The problem is I only have most of the beads needed to make this.  I think I can substitute and create a different colorway but I have not quite pulled things together yet.

I recently bought The Art of Forgotten Things by Melanie Doerman and it is quite inspiring.  Again, I just have not gotten around to pulling the beads from my stash to make anything.

I also recently received The Missing Link by Cindy Wimmer which I cannot wait to try.  I even ordered a tumbler so I could work harden the links.  That is suppose to be delivered tomorrow.  Is it me or does everyone have as much trouble just getting started?

I am finding other things to distract me here in the New York City metro area. 

Yesterday I went to Macy's flagship store to update my wardrobe.  I hate shopping for clothes but I have to say this was an experience.  I pulled out my android and took some pictures.

First is the approach to Macy's

Coming up on Macy's

You do not get the full effect of how busy the streets of New York were... cars, taxi's, sidewalk vendors, tourists and locals.  I love living in a city and this was just exciting.

Here is another view from outside Macy's:
Urban canyons

It was a beautiful day yesterday, crisp and quite comfortable.  A light jacket was sufficient.  Walking warmed you quite well.  It was pleasant to sit at one of the little sidewalk parks and just watch life pass by. 

Macy's is immediately to the left with the red awning. 

What I did not capture with my camera was the "Broadway Bites" street fair.  This was a series of tents set up on Broadway with local restaurant vendors.  It was about a block or so from where I snapped this picture.  This gave me the opportunity to sample food from a Turkish restaurant.  It was delicious.

Inside Macy's was very different from the usual mall experience.  Everything was bright.  There were flashing lights and multiple large monitors broadcasting on the main floor.  Although the streets outside were busy, inside Macy's was a completely different busy.  The pictures do not do it justice.

The main floor
There were little side shops, a lot of helpful clerks, places to sit and rest for a bit.  Here is another picture:

Although this floor was bright and shiny I have to say that one of the things that I liked the most were the wooden escalators, including the stairs, to be found on the 9th floor!  Sorry, I do not have pictures I thought it was just too dark. 

Finally, here is a twilight view from Journal Square of the sky line.  This is where I wait for the bus to take me home. 
The World Trade Center and a partial view of the NY skyline.
Now, onto the repair task that I really do need to get to today.


  1. I think part of what makes creative people 'creative' is the way our minds keep searching for new/more/different. It's hard to choose one thing and settle down with it. That's the main reason I'm so in awe of beaders. Doing stuff with torches is so much faster :) I just got The Missing Link, too. I'm excited to see what you make! She's got some really inspiring projects.

    1. A few posts back I mentioned some cranberry and gold beads I purchased a few years ago... I think there is a missing link project about to be executed upon those beads. Should be fun and a bit different than my usual.

      I have been working with seed beads since the 1980's- I worked with them before that but those kiddie projects just don't count. They really are where my heart is. It also helps set me apart since bead weaving is not something everyone picks up.

      I am, of course envious of bead makers. I saw my first lampwork beads back in the 1990's and have been fascinated ever since. One of these days I may give it a try; at which point I am sure I will be awestruck by the abilities of lampwork artists.

  2. Wow. I've never been to NYC, but I have just returned from Germany and there are some similarities! Certainly neither place is at all like my home in Alaska.

    Continue to enjoy capturing impressions with your camera! Projects can wait!

    1. I will look back on this excursion fondly- especially now that my feet feel better. Welcome home.

  3. I haven't visited NYC since I was in my teens, but you make me think it could be a lot of fun. I love the view from your bus stop.

    As for beading projects - my problem isn't so much getting started as finishing. Have several UFOs I really need to get back to.

    1. I am glad I have this opportunity to live in the NYC area. I love living in the city. I love watching people. I love all that cities have to offer. I am glad I have to time to explore slowly, one afternoon at a time.

      I try very hard not to start a new project until the one I am working on is finished; otherwise the partially finished projects never quite get to the end.

  4. Can't wait to see what you do with Callie's tutorial. Great taste indeed, as you chose one of my favorite of her projects. When I stop beading, usually it is because there is too much chaos, and often at my beading bench. But sometimes, just in my life. Macys looks fun, but you didn't show us what you bought!!

    1. I really really want to do the Elizabeth I Cuff Bracelet- I had my eye on that tutorial for a long time before I won it. I even made a list and went shopping, unfortunately, when I went to pull the materials together I was missing some seed beads.

      I hate to shop- I last went shopping for winter clothes two years ago. Shopping at Macy's in NYC made it an adventure. Perspective and attitude really do count.


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