Sunday, July 17, 2011

Even More Links

Yes, more links.  I did mention that I subscribe to quite a few blogs. 

28 new links: L-N. 

I added a new B: Be and Bead.  Don't miss this link; there are quite a few downloadable patterns. 

I added a new C: Colour Lovers.  This is not a blog, but it is a tool to help you choose colors and patterns. 

I have an entire category on my Google RSS feed named Color.  I don't know about you, but it takes me forever to pick out colors.  Thus, I pick up every color tool I can, and save clippings from home decorating magazines that have color schemes I find appealing.


  1. Girlfriend you are awesome!

  2. Darn, you are quick Mandy. :) Thanks for the appreciation.

  3. LOVE Google Reader and have no idea what I'd do without it!


Thank you for sharing. I had to turn off anonymous comments because spam was being posted.