Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Blog Links

Have you noticed my new page? 

It is the start of My Blog List.  I subscribe, via RSS feed, to well over 100 jewelry related blogs.  Over the years I have shared my list with friends and acquaintances.  Each time I share the list I spend hours editing and updating.  Since I am currently in the process of unpacking and have no camera I thought this was the perfect opportunity to work on a more permanent way to share my list. 

So far I have done A-G.  Stayed tuned for the rest of the alphabet. 


  1. I love this KJ!!! Thank you so much! You really have spent a lot of time on this and I really appreciate it!

  2. Hi, thanks for sharing your blog links. I'd love you to add mine.
    Deb x

  3. Deb-
    Your links or your blog to my links?

  4. I will add your blog. I loved your about me statement. Plus, my all time favorite saying is from Robert Heinlein:
    So what if the game is rigged if you don't bet you can't win.
    In my book you just placed your bet. :)

    I have a question for you- how did you find my blog?

  5. Thanks, much appreciated!
    I like your blog, it's really informative and I'm enjoying going through your favourite links to find new bloggers so that is great!
    Keep up the good work :-)


Thank you for sharing. I had to turn off anonymous comments because spam was being posted.